My name is Jukie Davie and I started my YouTube channel, Time to Tell a Tale, in the year 2020 because I believed in creating educational and fun content for kids. Not only that! But I wanted to help kids get excited about reading and learning, as well as encouraging them to express themselves!
Hello there friends
The problem with Youtube
YouTube is a HUGE place where kids of all ages go to watch content. But it’s not all quality. Sometimes it’s pure mental stimulation that keep them engaged. Have you ever seen a kid watching a super colorful fast paced video that kind of gives you a headache after a while? Or it’s an educational video, but it’s not very fun or engaging. There are tons of “read alouds” out there, but not very many that bring the storybook to life.
Well I do both! It’s my number one priority to have super fun and engaging videos while also being educational.
Educational and fun!
Back in college, I was getting my degree in child and adolescent development to become a kindergarten teacher, when I took a class all about children literature and storytelling. I fell in love! I loved educating children with entertainment and my own personality which always seemed to make kids laugh. And with a background in theater arts, dance and music, it all fit together like one big puzzle piece.
After having my channel up, I’ve received messages and emails from teachers (specifically teachers who work with kids with learning disabilities) who say my read aloud videos helped with reading and listening comprehension. As someone who grew up with Auditory Processing Disorder and dyslexia, I can understand what a frustrating journey it is to improve in these areas, and to hear that MY videos help was AMAZING to hear. I couldn’t believe I was able to make such a positive change in kids’ lives, BUT IT’S POSSIBLE. Now with this knowledge, it is my mission to help kids with these set backs to help overcome their struggles.
Jukie Davie’s background
Follow along with me on YouTube with the comfort that your child will be watching quality educational content that will keep them entertained. And join me on my journey as I create so many more projects for both the child and adult. I have so many more ideas up my sleeve like courses, merchandise, children’s books and many more. Here are some cognitive benefits of watching my videos:
Language and listening comprehension skills
Freedom of expression
Emotional connection
Critical thinking
Decision making
Idea generating
Reduce anxiety and stress
Ability to discover new interests and talents
And the list goes on and on…